NLP Master Practitioner and Advanced Coaching
NLP Mastery in the Real World
Training by: Mindbridge NLP Trainings
Trainers: Jerry Seavey, Marilou Seavey, Linda Bonnar
Location: Dubai, UAE – Rose Rayaan Hotel, Sheik Zayed Road
Date: Nov 8th 2018 – Dec 1st (only on weekends Thu 3-8pm, Fri 8.30-5.30pm)
Credentials: Approved by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and association of NLP (ANLP)
Prerequisite: NLP Practitioner and Coach
Cost: Early Bird 4,225 USD (15,500 AED)
Regular 4,725 USD (17,340 AED)
In the NLP Practitioner & NLP Coach training you took the first step in learning an array of NLP and coaching skills, and the mindset required to understand the nature of individual experience — how we create our maps of the world. Now it’s time to take the next step forward by developing deeper understanding, heightened expertise and elegant effectiveness using Master Practitioner NLP thinking and influence abilities for expanding your awareness and tapping deeper your potential to be an agent of change.
You probably recognize that attending a practitioner program is only the beginning of integrating NLP into your life. You may even wonder if you have enough experience, understanding or skill to take this next step. And, you know that a powerfully compelling view of your own future is an essential way of ensuring that your life is by your design not the cast to the fate of external influences.
During the NLP Master Practitioner and Advanced Coach Certification you will progressively develop a crystal clear vision for your future. You will design your personal blueprint that identifies and changes out-dated limiting beliefs, or issues that might sabotage your vision. (And you can easily use these processes in coaching, counseling and management to facilitate change in others.)
Remember what a difference your NLP Practitioner Training made when you discovered how to create an outcome map for positive changes? Imagine now, achieving much deeper levels of NLP mastery where virtually anything is possible for yourself and the people you interact with using NLP Master Practitioner and Advanced Coaching skills.
What one important area will change for the better in your life as you hone and refine your NLP skills and gain the benefits of learning more advanced NLP?
The NLP Master Practitioner emphasizes the practical and pragmatic application of NLP in your everyday personal and professional life.
In this training, by building on your skills learned at the Practitioner level we deal very thoroughly with core topics, which you will continue to use long after the training.
We designed this program to give special attention to applying NLP in key areas:
- Gaining deeper levels of personal awareness and self mastery in areas of beliefs & identity
- Developing language skills that profoundly influence others
- Bringing your NLP skills to leadership levels
- Designing personal and professional development methods in your own life
- Fine-tuning your Practitioner level skills and insights to bring these to the level of unconscious competence
- Give you experience in a range of advanced skills and insights for expanding your ability to communicate more clearly and influentially
What will I learn in the NLP Master Practitioner Training?
Additional Meta Programs Related to Strategies
Recognize these out-of-awareness filters or pre-dispositions, which influence a person’s understanding, decision-making and actions. Learn how to recognize a principal Meta Program patterns and ‘clusters’ of patterns,and how a person’s Meta Programs guide their choices. How to use your awareness of Meta Programs will greatly enhance your ability to influence.
Pattern Mapping
How to recognize or ‘map’ a person’s habitual ways of thinking, responding and behaving so that you can recognize trends and predict likely outcomes. In Pattern Mapping we are paying attention to their patterns of internal and external behavior rather than the individual behaviors.
Advanced Submodalities
Develop greater ease and flexibility in how you use these, personally and with other people. Use submodalities alongside other models. Explore the main submodality configurations, use them seamlessly using spatial anchoring, and integrate Time Line work with other NLP methods.
Re-discover, Extend and Master Your Practitioner Skills and Knowledge
Practitioner material integration is one of the major benefits of participating in a Master program. This is an opportunity use the Practitioner material, review it through applying it alongside more advanced material and bring it to the level of unconscious competence. Then, move beyond relying on techniques by learning to tailor your approach to suit the situation, individual or group.
Experience a deeper use of Logical Levels
Expand your experience and examine how the levels of Beliefs/Values and Identity operate and how to effect change at these levels. We will be examining how to use NLP techniques to enable people to make pervasive changes in their lives by supporting behavioral level change with change in the upper levels of the Personality Map – and you will have the opportunity of experiencing these processes during practical sessions at the course.
Strategies & Modeling
Recognize and elicit others’ strategies, facilitate new strategy acquisition, and model key patterns such as how people decide, motivate, convince or reassure themselves, etc. The ability to use strategies is a key element in behavioral modeling and modeling is the essence of NLP.
Influencing Excellence
Integrate your use of both Practitioner and Master Practitioner approaches, and especially the language models, to enhance your ability to influence in a powerful and ecological manner.
Hypnosis, Transformational Metaphor and Language Models
Ensure your blueprint for change is ecological. Recognize the effect of your use of the different communicating patterns and develop awareness of the fine line between eliciting and installing. Discover how to operate hypnotic communication with integrity. Revisit, refine and extend the Meta Model as you develop metaphoric skill and integrate these with other approaches to acquire a more perceptive, receptive and influential style of communicating.
Sleight of Mouth Language Patterns
Explore this huge range of advanced reframing patterns which can be used seamlessly in everyday conversation and with which you can assist a person in examining and altering limiting beliefs and values, resolving self esteem problems, and changing how they perceive and respond to difficulties and setbacks.
Effect Enduring Personal & Spiritual Growth
Adopt a systemic approach to growth by addressing the involvement of beliefs, values, Meta programs, identity, current circumstances, past experiences, and expectations about the future. Systemic change is always more effective and more enduring than behavioral change.
Deepen Your Ability to Work with Beliefs & Values
Identify beliefs and values through listening for and hearing ‘belief language’ to recognize the levels of belief. Learn to use advanced methods to resolve belief issues and apply belief change patterns including Re-imprinting. Recognize and deal with belief hierarchies, heterarchies, values conflicts and criteria. Identify and work through the beliefs that create problems and make things seem unchangeable.
- Insight and understanding to the frontiers of consciousness by discovering how to structure internal responses and access worlds of experience otherwise unavailable
- Specific learnings designed to make the linguistic, behavioral and structural patterns of NLP & NLP Coaching readily understood and usable
- The keys to unlock the most powerful and creative resources within the psyche
- and more…
Become skilled at:
- Working with belief & identity issues to create spontaneous shift to more empowering beliefs
- Multi-Level Communication by speaking to the unconscious — using precise metaphor work for imbedding a message within another message
- Identifying and influencing your client’s mental blueprints to redefine the constraints and possibilities in any situation
- Using the most influential language tools to reframe and alter beliefs, perception and more
(only on weekends Thu 3:00 – 8:00 p.m., Fri 8.30 – 5.30 p.m.)
Dubai, UAE – Rose Rayaan Hotel, Sheik Zayed Road
Early Bird 4,225 USD (15,500 AED)
Regular 4,725 USD (17,340 AED)
Meet the Coaches
Linda Bonnar
NL Trainer
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
Linda Bonnar
NL Trainer
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
Linda Bonnar
NL Trainer
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.