You choose the destination, we help building the path
Access our Free BlogOur Philosophy
Our philosophy is simple: to help you become who you want to be.
You may or may not know what success, growth and fulfillment means to you, either way, we help you get there. If you don’t know it (as is true for most people…), we’ll help you find it first and then get there. Our mission is to provide the resources to help you uncover what truly drives you – once fears are out of the picture – and translate it into the life you want. We will help you uncover barriers & limiting beliefs and blow past them to achieve what you want. In the process, you will discover your true values and what will create joy in your life. We won’t tell you what to do and we won’t tell you to strive to become the best in comparison with others -we want you to strive to become the best YOU and you will define what that means. We will provide the tools, so you can shape your own future and destiny and the result will be what YOU want.
Get the point? We believe that it’s YOUR decision what your life should look like.
How do we do that? We guide, you choose.
You have your own story, your own goals, your own needs, your own budget, your own speed, your own preferences. There is no one-fits-all solution, we are all unique. And that’s where MindMotions comes into play. We will not tell you what you need, but instead we will provide independent access to any form of personal growth, whether it’s through one-on-one coaching, events, e-learning, our blogs or
connecting you to other resources. And because this may be overwhelming, we will be on your side to guide you to the right resources. Or you may just try them all and see what fits best. Or you may jump from one to another and back. Any of the above is fine – as long as it fits your needs.
Our core principle: be independent, transparent & deliver what you are looking for!
To be able to provide you access to the best, we must be independent and transparent, and that is exactly what we will be. Obviously, there is a lot of subjectivity in what is the “best”, but rest assured our commitment to you is that we go through a rigorous assessment before any coach, event or e-learning course is offered through MindMotions. And we will always ask you for feedback, so we can become better at filtering what works and what doesn’t. You will always have a say.
Nice theory. And now what?
Sounds all great in theory, right? You have probably tried things before, but it may not have worked as desired. The above principles are fairly simple in theory, but there is a lot going on in our brains every day. And the fears pop up randomly and drive our behavior – mostly in our subconscious. Applying the right tools to control that and having more choices when we need them requires learning and practice. It’s like running your first marathon – buying a book on running is a nice start, but you actually need to go running and someone needs to be with you to guide you. We provide the tools for you to create lasting change in your life. The key to that is on many levels and we have created programs that address them individually or as a package. And we split it up deliberately to allow you to customize your learning experience.
You will be amazed how powerful the principles are that we offer in the trainings and how relatively little effort can create massive results.
Exciting times ahead. Let’s go.