Application to Get an Online Course Featured

Dear Course Owner,

we are here to help you sell your content! But we are also committed to deliver the desired outcomes for our clients and that comes with the obligation and responsibility to ensure that the featured online courses have the quality to deliver results. We are sure you understand and support that.

For this purpose we have implemented a strict quality control process and will only feature online courses on our site that can demonstrate the required quality. We hope you understand that this is done to protect the clients as well as the reputation of MindMotions and the coaching profession. Clients trust us and we want to keep that trust. Please be as detailed as possible in your application in regards to the content, the expected outcome for the clients and also your or your organizations's qualification, experience and skills. We reserve the right to contact your references and check the credentials. When your online course gets featured on our site you also agree to our Terms & Conditions.

Your MindMotions Team

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First Name *
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Last Name *
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Organization *
Organization Name
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Organization Website
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Email *
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Phone number *
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Organization Address *
Street Address
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Address Line 2
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  • - select your country -
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Course Details

Course Name *
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Course Description *
Describe course content or outcome in one catchy sentence (Example: "How to become a master negotiator")
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How many main modules/chapters does the course have? *
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How many sub chapters/ lessons does the course have? *
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What is the duration of the course material (in hrs:min)? *
Add all times of videos, audio or estimated time of reading material. How much time does the course take to be completed?
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What is the experience and learning participants will have from the course? *
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How does the course achieve this result? *
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Is there any course material provided? *
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Please upload course material if any
Max. file size: 128 MB.
Select Files
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What would the participants need to know, do or believe in order to get the experience or learning? *
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Briefly describe your or your organization's experience, expertise and accreditation in online courses or trainings (previous courses, certificates, accreditation) *
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What is the suggested online sales price (or range) in US$ for the course? *
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Are you willing to apply a discount if the course gets sold in a package? If yes, how many percent? *
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What is the minimum commission (in percent) you expect from the sales price? *
Our marketing investment will be determined by the available commission. Minimum commission is 20%
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File upload

Upload any files or course content that will help to assess the course (incl original course)
Accepted file types: pdf, docx, mp4, png, Max. file size: 128 MB.
Select Files
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Accept Terms & Conditions *

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